Central Asian Climate Education Alliance - TsAKO

The Central Asian Climate Education Alliance – TsAKO (in Russian, Центрально-Азиатский Альянс Климатического Образования – ЦAКО), which was formed by representatives of education and climate/ environmental organisations from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, in Almaty, in May 2023.

TsAKO’s goal is to work together regionally to secure national commitments to, and begin essential preparation for, the effective implementation of compulsory education for climate change and human security across the education sectors in our four Central Asian countries – Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan – by COP30 in Belém, Brazil, in 2025.

This clear goal represents the unified response by education sector stakeholders in the region to the shared challenges presented by climate change and associated environmental crises across the Central Asian region relating to water-energy- food-ecosystems – also known as the WEFE Nexus issues. Our goal recognises the threats these crises pose for peace, well-being and human security across the region. It recognises that the innovation and sustainable transitions these sectors must achieve will not be possible without educations systems that are able to reproduce the skills and knowledge needed for greener and degrowth economies. It responds directly to calls from UNESCO and civil society organisations for greening education, to commit to implementing compulsory climate education by 2025, and to the Paris agreement’s commitment and renewed calls by youth organisations internationally to limit global temperature increases to 1.5 degrees Celsius. It supports the call by civil society organisations in the Climate Education Coalition “inviting the COP28 Presidency to collaborate with the civil society represented by our coalition so we can make Climate Education the priority of COP28 in Dubai.”1

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1The Climate Education Coalition open letter to the COP28 United Arab Emirates Presidency and all United Nation State Members: https://www.earthday.org/press-release/the-climate-education-coalition-announces-open-letter-to-the-cop-28-presidency/

The list of members of TsAKO – Central Asian Climate Education Alliance



The representation of UNESCO in Almaty was established in 1994 and currently covers seven countries: Iran (Islamic Republic of), Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. It works through and in cooperation with the National Commissions for UNESCO in each country and partner networks in its fields of competence. This includes government partners, members of the UN family, other intergovernmental organizations, NGOs, experts and researches, private sector companies, foundations, media outlets, and other specialized institutions. UNESCO Almaty contributes to building peace, alleviating poverty, and fostering sustainable development and intercultural dialogue in Iran (Islamic Republic of), Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. It works to attain quality education for all, focusing on gender equality and adult literacy, mobilize scientific knowledge, preserve cultural heritage, promote cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue, and promote press freedom, freedom of expression, media development and the rights and safety of journalists.

CAPS Unlock (Kazakhstan)


CAPS Unlock is a Central Asia-focused think tank that has legally re-established itself as an independent entity (since April 2023) after the Soros Foundation-Kazakhstan. Its mission is to provide high-quality research and policy solutions for challenges that Central Asia is facing, such as growing poverty, inequality, economic failures, geopolitical pressures, and the rise of populism. The think-tank will continue promoting the values of an open society and providing evidential support for the policies and practices that move countries toward liberal democracy. It will also retain a re-granting capacity to fund limited initiatives that test policy proposals and innovative approaches and for grants to regional partner policy institutions working on shared agendas. The think-tank’s primary focus will be on three broad areas, including international actors and Central Asia, social and economic justice, rule of law, digital democracy, and expression.

Teachers Lab LLP (Kazakhstan)


Private commercial company operating in the field of education founded in 2020. It develops and maintains a marketplace with the same name. The marketplace is designed to bring together teachers from all CIS countries and help them share their experience, knowledge and ideas. Platform users can sell, buy or post free of charge educational developments. Mission: Combine the wisdom of teachers.

Secondary school #69, Almaty (Kazakhstan)


A public school established in 1958. Schools carry out the educational process in accordance with the general educational programs of the levels of general secondary education in accordance with the standard rules for the activities of general educational organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Rivers Without Borders (Kazakhstan)


International NGO in the environmental field has started working in Kazakhstan since April 2023.

Social-Eco Fund (Kazakhstan)


The NGO in education, climate and environment fields was founded in 2007. Mobilizes the expertise of civil society organizations and best regional and global practices to raise awareness among the population; promotes the development of dialogue among stakeholders, and also develops environmental leadership in Kazakhstan.

ECOCENTER (Karagandy oblast ecology center) (Kazakhstan)


The NGO was founded in 1992. Implemented additional environmental education programs in schools with the development of additional environmental education programs and digital educational material with methodological manuals. Conducts training in Kazakh for teachers of rural and urban schools on sustainable development, the introduction of environmental education in teaching, with the development of methodological material in Kazakh and Russian. Mission: Promoting environmentally safe and sustainable development of the Republic of Kazakhstan through the support and development of non-governmental organizations, as well as through the integration of the efforts of NGOs, government bodies and the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

ECOMUSEUM (Kazakhstan)


It was founded in 1995. The EcoMuseum's exhibition hall started operating in 2005. The exhibition hall with an area of 460 sq. m is the only one in the CIS. The museum has a unique collection of exhibits of more than 2,000 items and more than 3,000 books in the library. Most projects have an educational component such as development of methodological, training materials, integration of young people with special needs into society through environmental education, and increasing the potential of representatives of government agencies, the media and business structures on environmental issues. Mission: Development of cooperation between the state and the public to study and solve environmental problems and ensure sustainable development of Kazakhstan; ensuring increased environmental awareness of local communities and strengthening public influence on improving the environmental situation in the republic; development of democratic processes in civil society by involving the public in decision-making regarding the environment.

BIOM (Kyrgyzstan)


A public non-profit organization (est.in 1993) that unites, on a voluntary basis, young professionals, scientists, and leaders involved in solving environmental problems in the Kyrgyz Republic and Central Asia. The main activities of ED "BIOM" include Sustainable Development Policy, Climate Change, Education for Sustainable Development, Clean Energy and Energy Efficiency, Environmental Safety, Environmental Management, Biodiversity Conservation. Mission: Achieving sustainable positive changes in the quality of the environment and people's lives through the involvement of broad groups of the population in the implementation of the ideas of Sustainable Development and the conservation of natural ecosystems.

"MoveGreen" (Kyrgyzstan)


An environmental organization founded in 2011, dedicated to supporting and stimulating environmental awareness and positive environmental action through expertise, volunteerism, and education. Our organization is interested in making the world more sustainable and safer for us and future generations. Since 2017, MoveGreen has been working on independent civilian air quality monitoring, conducting research, analytics and promoting measures to reduce pollution in the city of Bishkek. Mission: We are creating a society with conscious environmental behavior that lives in a safe ecological environment in Kyrgyzstan and Central Asia. To this end, we influence government decisions on environmental issues based on science, research, analysis and expertise.

IDEA Central Asia (Kyrgyzstan)


A youth-led organization was founded in 2013. This principle allows the organization to maintain the idea of equal participation and develop an internal culture of creative management. The organization has experience in implementing programs in the following areas: eco-activism and environmental protection programs, civic education and youth participation, peacebuilding, media literacy and cyber activism, gender equality and countering violence, advocacy and human rights protection. The target groups and beneficiaries are young girls and boys, adolescents from vulnerable groups, employees of the education system and parents, youth regional NGOs and media. The goal: To give young people inspiration for bright and brave ideas that create a happy society. We grow and change with thousands of people from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan; and we always stay committed to them and to our goal; a world where all young people, men and women are considered as equals.

CAMP Alatoo, public foundation (Kyrgyzstan)


Established in 2004 as the successor to the Central Asian Mountain Partnership (CAMP). Using multi-stakeholder approaches, CAMP Alatoo develops innovative, effective and simple and accessible technologies to raise rural communities’ awareness and involvement in the management and conservation of natural resources. CAMP Alatoo works in the field of sustainable management of natural resources at the water basin level to promote:

The organization has been implementing projects in climate, environmental education, curricula development. Mission: The fund aims to develop and implement practical approaches and tools for the sustainable management of natural resources. The organization follows democratic principles of governance, the key of which are collegiality, welcoming and encouraging initiatives.

Ecological Resource Center «ЕКОМАКТАВ» (Uzbekistan)


The Ecological Resource Center "EKOMAKTAB" is a non-commercial NGO in the field of environmental education, environmental protection and environmental safety. The organization was registered in 2005. Main areas of work:

Mission: To unite the creative and intellectual potential of students, teachers, journalists, leading scientists for the development of environmental education and the formation of an ecological culture of the population, increasing the level of public awareness in the field of environmental protection, preserving biological diversity, developing interest in local history and active types of natural tourism.

SREDA.UZ (Uzbekistan)


SREDA.UZ is a volunteer group. In 2022, they conducted an inventory of trees in one of the urban green areas with the participation of schoolchildren, worked out the methodology. Mission: information and education in the field of ecology.

Eco NGO "Zarafshan" (Uzbekistan)


The NGO was registered in 2002. It works in eco-activism and youth fields by:

Mission: To contribute to increasing the level of environmental literacy of the population of the Zarafshan region, by disseminating information in order to form an environmentally sound worldview and increasing the activity of civil society in making environmentally significant decisions.

OMEO "Little Earth" (Tajikistan)


Non-profit non-governmental environmental organization (NGO) formed by a group of young activists in 1997. Little Earth works in the areas of sustainable energy, climate change adaptation, environmental education and youth environmental movement development. NGOs help to reduce the anthropogenic pressure on the environment. Little Earth is headquartered in Dushanbe, Tajikistan. It is a member of the Mountain Partnership, CAN International, the International Socio-Ecological Union and the Netzkraft Movement. The mission is to "make people more receptive to environmental issues and increase their role and participation in sustainable development."

Public organization "Youth Group for Environmental Protection" (Tajikistan)


YGPE is a public, non-profit, non-governmental, environmental organization founded in 2003. Main tasks: 1. Involvement of stakeholders in the process of solving social and environmental problems through information, education and participation; 2. Promoting the improvement of ecosystems through the integration of sound management practices and the use of new technologies based on the use of data; 3. Assistance in the development and updating of the environmental legal framework to improve environmental management systems at the national and international levels. Mission: Promoting integrated sustainable development and the realization of human potential in harmony with the environment.

International Accountability Project (Tajikistan)


It is an international advocacy organization founded in 2010, pushes for policy change, intensifies local advocacy efforts, and supports local activists and communities to access and share information about developments that affect them. The IAP strengthens the participation of communities as central figures in the development process. The IAP identifies the development finance institutions and standard-setting processes that have the greatest impact on people's ability to shape their own development and provide remedies when rights are violated. Mission: IAP works in solidarity with communities, civil society and social movements to inform and amplify their campaigns, broaden access to information, and create spaces within and outside dominant power systems for communities to lead the development decisions that affect their lives and environment.

Youth Eco-Center (Tajikistan)


The Youth Ecological Center (YEC) was established in 1997 by teachers, scientists and students as public organization to protect ecological rights of citizens and distribute independent ecological information. YEC operates in Dushanbe and rural areas of Tajikistan covering such issues as:

Press service of YEC publish and distribute information through web site, mailing list, newsletter.